Why You Should Work With a Manufacturer-Certified Contractor

When it comes to home improvement, it’s important to hire manufacturer-certified contractors to carry out comprehensive tasks, like re-siding or storm damage repair, in order to ensure a successful project. In this article, we list the advantages of hiring certified James Hardie® and LP® siding installer Eagle Creek Siding, LLC for your next siding project.

Most, if not all, certifications require contractors to be properly licensed, insured and bonded. Choosing a licensed installer means working with a team that’s competent, abides by the rules and facilitates permit application. Furthermore, if you have miscommunications with a licensed company, you can benefit from the state’s dispute resolution program and perhaps even be given access to funds for your compensation.
Knowledge and Expertise
A manufacturer-approved multi-family siding contractor can address any concerns or questions you may have about different top-quality siding materials such as fiber cement, insulated vinyl and engineered wood. This is because siding specialists have undergone intensive training with the manufacturers’ experts to get the know-how and learn other up-to-date techniques for installing siding products smoothly and efficiently. Another thing to consider is that you should work with a contractor who’s familiar with local climate and building regulations.
Strong Warranties
The final factor that defines a manufacturer-approved contractor is the kind of warranty they offer. James Hardie, for instance, offers a 15-year warranty for trim boards and a 30-year warranty for siding boards. Our installers have extended knowledge of these warranties and can easily provide you with relevant information.
Eagle Creek Siding, LLC is a premier residential and commercial siding contractor in Tumwater, WA. As a manufacturer-approved installer, our team is committed to providing the highest-quality products and services property owners deserve. Call our team at (360) 226-6970 or fill out our convenient online form to request a free, no-obligation consultation.